1115 NYHER Waiver Update
SCNs will be responsible for coordinating the delivery of Health-Related Social Need (HRSN) services to Medicaid members.
Continue Reading "1115 NYHER Waiver Update"SCNs will be responsible for coordinating the delivery of Health-Related Social Need (HRSN) services to Medicaid members.
Continue Reading "1115 NYHER Waiver Update"The Care Connection team supports prospective members and families during each step of the enrollment process.
Continue Reading "CCO Enrollment Process"要開始新的豁免服務或更改現有的豁免服務,會員必須擁有最新的CAS或 CANS。
Continue Reading "CAS/CANS Requirement for the SART"我們已收到供應商關於難以從客戶服務中心 (CSC) 訪問資訊和文檔的反饋。
Continue Reading "The Customer Service Center and Consents"Link to Better Health 可以通過教育和支持獲得所需的醫療保健服務來説明患有 IDD 的成年人改善健康情況。
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