فراہم کنندہ تعلقات

فراہم کنندہ تعلقات

The Provider Relations team is focused on building positive relationships with our Provider Partners. Each director is a regionally based and an experienced relationship manager. They work with Providers to positively impact the delivery of high-quality, person-centered services for Members.

The Provider Relations team works with key leadership at provider agencies to:

  • Promote proactive communication, including regular connections with Care Management
  • Identify service gaps
  • Promote provider programs and services
  • Explore ways to collectively support Members and their families
  • Advocate with one voice
  • Share your ideas!

Stay updated on ACANY Provider Enews

متعلقہ، بروقت، مختصر.

 ہمارے تازہ ترین فراہم کنندہ ای نیوز یہاں پڑھیں.

Provider Relations News and Events

Understand Link to Better Health

The Link to Better Health program helps eligible individuals receive 90 days of free support to connect with healthcare services.

فراہم کنندہ کے وسائل

Quick reference tools to assist provider agency professionals in their work with Care Managers and Members.

کمیونٹی ریسورس ٹول Icon

کمیونٹی ریسورس ٹول

The Community Resource Tool is a database of programs, services, and resources across multiple counties in New York State to help Members and families find both community and disability services they need. 

فراہم کنندہ تعلقات کے ڈائریکٹرز سے ملیں


نادرہ برائن

نادرہ برائن

(914) 359-4588

میگن پورٹر

میگن پورٹر

(646) 281-1916

فراہم کنندہ تعلقات کے ڈائریکٹروں سے ملیں

Krystal Procida-Sapienza

(646) 305-7587

فراہم کنندہ تعلقات کے ڈائریکٹروں سے ملیں

اینجی منرو

(646) 874-3959

فراہم کنندہ کوریج نقشہ

ACA/NY Provider Coverage Map
فراہم کنندہ کلید
نادرہ برائن
میگن پورٹر
Krystal Procida-Sapienza
اینجی منرو