Orijentacija novog člana
Novi članovi i njihove porodice mogu prisustvovati kako bi saznali šta mogu očekivati u prvih 90 dana usluga upravljanja njegom.
Continue Reading "New Member Orientation"Novi članovi i njihove porodice mogu prisustvovati kako bi saznali šta mogu očekivati u prvih 90 dana usluga upravljanja njegom.
Continue Reading "New Member Orientation"Forumi se održavaju mjesečno o temama od interesa za članove, porodice i one u IDD zajednici. Članovi su obaviješteni putem Member Enews-a.
Continue Reading "Member and Family Forums"Join the ACANY Member Relations Liaisons for a one-hour drop-in session where you can get your questions answered.
Continue Reading "MEMBER RELATIONS LIAISONS DROP-IN SESSION"Register to Attend Are you interested in connecting with other Self-Advocates? Would you like to be a part of the ACANY Self-Advocates’ community? Do you want to meet other ACANY members like you and make some new friends? Let’s share…
Continue Reading "ACANY’s Self-Advocates Group"Navigating Changes of Life: Grief and Loss The Kennedy Willis Center on Down Syndrome will be hosting a series of fall webinars that will provide information and techniques on the grief process. It will include age-appropriate strategies for children and…
Continue Reading "KENNEDY WILLIS CENTER FALL WEBINAR OPPORTUNITY"Pridružite nam se na jednosatnoj sesiji kako biste saznali više o pristupu stomatološkoj skrbi za primatelje Medicaida.
Continue Reading "Accessing Dental Care for Medicaid Recipients"Jeste li u dobi između 16 i 27 godina i želite naučiti o svom fizičkom zdravlju i prehrani, druženju i seksualnosti?
Continue Reading "Health and Relationships"