
L'importance des connexions

Les personnes handicapées sont souvent confrontées à des défis et à des expériences uniques. La mise en relation des membres et des familles avec les personnes, les organisations et les ressources appropriées facilite le parcours et crée un important sentiment d'appartenance. Disposer d'un réseau de soutien composé de personnes compréhensives peut s'avérer crucial pour leur bien-être émotionnel.

Relations avec les membres

Connections provide opportunities for knowledge and information sharing. People with disabilities can learn from others who have similar experiences, exchange advice and strategies, and stay updated on resources, and services. Member Relations Liaisons do just that—they are there when you need another person to listen to or guide you to answers.  


Parent à parent NYS

Parent à parent NYS

Support for special needs caregivers in NY.



For people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

EI Families

Early Intervention Families

For people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.



For people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.


The New York City Family Advocacy Information Resource

Family, advocacy, information and resources for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.


Eastern New York Developmental Disabilities Advocates

Ensuring that people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities have a voice, every and any day.

NYS Education Department

New York State Education Department

Adult career and continuing education services and independent living centers.


The City University of New York

Disability and accessibility services.

Planification de l'avenir, aspects juridiques et financiers, prestations et droits


NYSARC Trust Services

Trust Services

Les médias sociaux sont une source précieuse pour les personnes handicapées. Restez informés et responsabilisés en visitant les canaux en haut à gauche de cette page.


New York Alliance for Developmental Disabilities

We advocate for the developmentally deserving.

Outil de ressources communautaires

Outil de ressources communautaires

Helping people with intellectual and developmental disabilities find programs, services, and supports.

“My Care Manager Natalie is a Godsend! She listens to my son’s needs, and gets results for so many things I need help with.”

- Kim W, Aide-soignante