Voting Rights for People with IDD
Your Vote Counts! OPWDD is committed to ensuring that voting rights are upheld for the people we serve with disabilities.
Continue Reading "Voting Rights for People with IDD"Your Vote Counts! OPWDD is committed to ensuring that voting rights are upheld for the people we serve with disabilities.
Continue Reading "Voting Rights for People with IDD"Your voice matters. Register to vote! September 13th-20th is the National Disabilities Voter Registration Week! If you want to vote this November, the deadline to register is October 8th! Why register to vote? Voting gives you a say in who makes the choices about your access to healthcare, transportation,…
Continue Reading "National Disabilities Voter Registration Week"It is everyone’s right to participate in the voting process if they choose. Voting allows you to have a say in who leads our country. 2020 is a primary year that leads into November’s presidential vote and is a great…
Continue Reading "VOTE. Your Voice Matters."