Member Relations
ACANY Member Relations expands the reach of Care Management to support Members and families by connecting them to support, education, and advocacy opportunities to enrich and improve their lives.
Member Enews
A monthly Enews is filled with timely information about forums, Member Relations initiatives, and helpful resources like the Knowledge Center and Community Resource Tool. Sign up here.
Member and Family Forums
Forums are held monthly on topics of interest to Members, families, and others in the IDD community. Popular topics include benefits, guardianship, enrollment and eligibility, transitions, and future planning. ACANY Members are notified via Member Enews.
New Member Enews
This Enews is designed to meet the interests of those new to Care Management. Basic information is provided each month, and access to helpful resources that explain the Care Management process and other aspects of receiving OPWDD services. New Members to ACANY receive this email in the first six months of membership.
New Member Orientation
New Members are invited to attend a bi-monthly orientation meeting, held virtually, to learn basic information about Care Management and ACANY. It is also where New Members can ask questions.
Liaison Drop-In Sessions
Member Relations hosts bi-monthly, one-hour online Drop-in Sessions. Liaisons are parents or caregivers of members who understand the journey and can share in your experience. Take advantage of this opportunity to share thoughts, ask questions, and find resources.
Self-Advocates Group Meetings
Self-Advocates who are members receiving services from ACANY are invited to attend monthly meetings to be a part of the ACANY Self-Advocates’ community. Do you want to meet other ACANY members like you and make some new friends? Let’s share resources, discuss concerns, compare notes, and support each other virtually. Bring your thoughts and ideas to an introductory meeting.
Member Support
Members are supported throughout their journey by numerous Member Relations programs. Working alongside Care Management teams, Member Relations offers a Member and Family Advisory Council, connection to resources, and peer support to address barriers or concerns experienced by Members and their families.
“The Member and Family Forums at ACANY are informative, educational and relevant to the care of people with IDD. As a family member/caretaker, I found my attendance in the forums worthwhile, and the content has been helpful and beneficial.”
Member and Family Advisory Council
The Member and Family Advisory Council (MFAC) comprises ACANY Members and families serving as the membership’s voice. MFAC offers a forum to share ideas on topics important to our Members, provide input, and offer their experiences and unique perspectives to enhance policy and program development that affect the care and services Members receive.
The MFAC serves to:
- Seek and learn from the Member and family perspective
- Promote a culture of person-centered care
- Guide policy and program development through collaboration to improve practices
- Enhance the delivery of high-quality services